Revision History


June 11, 2024

  • Fix:  Fix network licensing support date


January 19, 2024

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Corrected ignoring incorrect DXF attributes in SOLID entities


September 25, 2023

  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for DXF R2018


September 21, 2023

  • New:  TIFF Import: Upgrade to latest TIFF library to support newer encoding formats
  • Fix:  Postscript/PDF Import: Fix import of files containing special characters or spaces in filename


June 01, 2023

  • Fix:  GDSII / GDS-TXT Export: Fix duplicate SREFs / AREFs, one per layer (bug introduced in version 9.11.1)


April 24, 2023

  • New:  Added support for JSON based layer maps
  • New:  Add new command line option to export layer map (LcWriteLayerMap=<path>)


January 26, 2023

  • New:  Raster Image Export: Added new raster driver capabable of exporting large size images
  • New:  GDSII Import: Added support for non-standard AREF transformations
  • New:  Arcs are now exported as polylines rather than filled arc segments
  • New:  SVG Export: Improved viewport for SVG export
  • ODB++ Import: enable layer map
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fix crash when encountering unexpected DXF record
  • Fix:  Viewer: Incorrect rendering of Arc entities if inside reference with x/y mirroring (ticket 481)
  • Fix:  GDSII Export: Prevent conversion from completing in case of error
  • Fix:  Tools: Fix parsing of units from session file


September 21, 2022

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed polyline joining failing to connect to best adjacent polyline (ticket 480)


September 21, 2022

  • Fix:  Session Files: Corrected saving session files when using Postscript format


August 30, 2022

  • Fix:  ACIS SAT Import: Corrected direction of reversed paths (ticket 479)


June 10, 2022

  • Fix:  Layer list: fix crash when using layer polarity


May 24, 2022

  • New:  Added support for international characters in files
  • New:  Tools: Added command to sort layers
  • New:  DXF Import: Maintain layer ordering from original DXF file
  • New:  Gerber / GDSII / Postscript / STEP Export: Write entities sorted by layer order
  • New:  GDSII / GDS-TXT Export: Added support for DXF arc entities
  • New:  Gerber Export: Exporting single point polylines as circles / squares if possible
  • New:  RS-274X Import: auto-recover from missing interpolation state
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Correct export of SOLID entities
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fix zooming into arc entities


August 26, 2021

  • Fix:  DXF Import: error when importing DXF with block references


July 03, 2021

  • Fix:  Sonnet Export: Added missing date headers


June 23, 2021

  • New:  Faster drawing in viewer: large filled polygons are rendered faster


June 17, 2021

  • New:  New layer color palette
  • Fix:  Parasolid XT Export: fixed scaling


March 09, 2021

  • Fix:  Restored missing options dialogs


March 02, 2021

  • New:  Tools: Improved polygon to circle conversion


February 10, 2021

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when file contains too many layers


November 26, 2020

  • New:  RS-274X Export: Added support for file names with Unicode characters


November 18, 2020

  • Fix:  SVG Import: corrected translations in SVG files.
  • Fix:  Fixed layer map editor crashing when entering negative numbers


May 12, 2020

  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for 3DSOLID entities
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to extract holes in polygons onto separate layers
  • New:  Parasolid XT Export: Added support for extruded solids
  • New:  DXF Import: Added support polyface meshes
  • Parasolid XT Import: Added Parasolid XT Import
  • New:  Added support for file paths with extended characters (eg. Japanese)
  • New:  Added option to invert layer list sort order
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Corrected apertures on layer "0" if disabling DXF option to resolve BYBLOCK/BYLAYER blocks
  • Fix:  Layer Map: Fixed incorrect application of output layer and comment


February 03, 2020

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Corrected failure to load SHX fonts


December 20, 2019

  • Fix:  Licensing: Fixed expiration of leased network licenses


December 11, 2019

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Added support for DXF splines with more than 32767 knots


December 09, 2019

  • Fix:  Tools: corrected slow tools due to excessive logging


November 20, 2019

  • New:  Improved drawing of large filled areas


September 22, 2019

  • Fix:  Improved layer maps: added z-height and thickness


April 09, 2019

  • New:  STEP Export: Added export to STEP format (ticket 477)


February 13, 2019

  • New:  Tools: Arc detection in polygons optionally possible across polyline start/end points (ticket 436)
  • New:  Tools: Improved fitting during arc detection in polygons (ticket 436)
  • New:  Viewer: Fixed selection / highlighting issues on newer graphic cards (ticket 474)
  • Fix:  ASCII Data Import: Restored behavior to create new polygon when empty line encountered in input data


January 07, 2019

  • New:  Image (PNG/TIFF/JPEG) Export: Setting correct resolution (DPI) (ticket 472)


December 21, 2018

  • New:  Image (PNG/TIFF/JPEG) Export: Exported images are now pixel precise (no anti-aliasing) (ticket 472)
  • New:  Boolean operations: New option to neither link nor split holes after Boolean operations (merge, de-embedding, ...) (ticket 473)


December 07, 2018

  • New:  SVG Export: Added SVG Export (ticket 63)
  • New:  Viewer: Enabled use of dedicated graphics card if available (ticket 471)
  • New:  Viewer: Fixed crash due to bug in built-in Intel HD Graphics card driver (ticket 470)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed incorrect width of arc entities


September 14, 2018

  • Fix:  All import / exports: Fixed application freeze when evaluating certain spline points (ticket 467)
  • Fix:  Raster image export: Fixed application freeze after restarting conversion (ticket 468)


August 03, 2018

  • New:  Image import: Added support for JPEG and OJPEG compressed TIFF images (ticket 465)
  • New:  Tools: Implemented MoveOrigin tool command
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed missing initial coordinate if same as on preceding layer (ticket 466)


June 15, 2018

  • New:  GDSII: Added support for GDSII circles (expressed as zero-length round-ended wires) (ticket 463)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Corrected possible incorrect placement of REGION entities (ticket 464)


June 01, 2018

  • New:  DXF Import: Corrected handling of outer-type hatches in DXF (ticket 462)


May 25, 2018

  • New:  SVG Import: Improved support for SVG import (ticket 448)
  • Fix:  GDS-TXT Import: corrected COLROW extension in AREF record
  • Fix:  ANSYS ANF Export: Restored export options dialog


January 14, 2018

  • New:  Added saving and loading of conversion settings using "sessions" (command files) (ticket 460)
  • New:  Spline import: improved spline to polygon / polyline conversion when using absolute precision (ticket 456)
  • Fix:  TIFF Import: Fixed failure to import certain TIFF images (ticket 461)


December 01, 2017

  • New:  RS-274X Export: faster export and smaller files when using step & repeat (ticket 445)
  • New:  SVG Import: Added support for SVG transformations and ignoring unknown attributes (ticket 448)
  • Fix:  Fixed property dialog not showing entity layer (ticket 446)


November 20, 2017

  • Fix:  Raster image export: Restored options dialog. (ticket 455)


November 03, 2017

  • New:  NEW image export formats in addition to PNG: TIFF and JPEG (ticket 455)
  • New:  Hugely improved initial Viewer display time (ticket 453)
  • New:  Import / export: Performance improvements (ticket 453)
  • New:  ANF V4 Export: Added option to specify export units (ticket 452)
  • New:  GDSII Export: Added error message if valid coordinate range exceeded (ticket 454)
  • New:  PS/PDF Import: Added warning about incorrect page number. (ticket 450)


July 05, 2017

  • New:  DXF Import: LinkCAD compatible with DXF generated by AutoCAD 2018 (ticket 383)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for DXF 2013 and alter REGIONS (ticket 383)
  • Fix:  Corrected crash when encouting spline / NURBS with empty knot vector (ticket 442)
  • Fix:  Postscript export: Remembering paper size and units (ticket 443)


June 27, 2017

  • New:  DXF Import: Compatible with AutoCAD 2018 (ticket 439)
  • New:  SVG Import: Added support for SVG file format (ticket 63)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed polyline repair tool deleting zero-width closed polylines (ticket 438)


June 11, 2017

  • Fix:  Tools: Improved arc detection when using absolute error (ticket 436)


February 05, 2017

  • New:  Tools: Improved arc detection tool (ticket 430)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: imported layers are disabled when flagged as "frozen" (ticket 435)


November 18, 2016

  • New:  Import formats: Ingoring (with warning) cell references with zero scaling factor (ticket 434)
  • New:  Export: Using inscribed instead of circumscribed polygonal arcs when exploding true arcs (already the case for full circles) (ticket 431)
  • Fix:  General: Fixed failure to compress certain vertex data in memory (ticket 433)


November 15, 2016

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed potential failure during polygon splitting (ticket 432)


October 26, 2016

  • New:  Tools: Added new tool to simplify polygons by detecting arc segments (ticket 430)


October 14, 2016

  • New:  RS-274X Export: Added layer property to control polarity (ticket 418)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed zero-width arcs being ignored when reporting number of open polylines (ticket 429)


September 25, 2016

  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected data corruption in "Merge zero-width polylines" tool (ticket 407, 425, 428)
  • Fix:  Tools: Improved Boolean operations (ticket 423)
  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected failure to combine open polylines into polygons (ticket 424)
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Corrected failure to export zero-width arcs as ARC entities (ticket 426)


September 14, 2016

  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for tabulation format codes in MTEXT entities (ticket 422)
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Corrected vertical placement of GDSII text (ticket 417)


September 13, 2016

  • New:  ACIS SAT Export: Added single file export and layer stacking (ticket 421)
  • New:  Image Import: Improved merging (ticket 416)
  • New:  RS-274X Export: Added option to export layers as single multi-level Gerber file (ticket 418)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Automatically detect quadrant mode if not specified (ticket 414)
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Corrected MTEXT bounding box width for border-line cases (ticket 417)
  • Fix:  All formats: Fixed polygons with four vertices arcs possibly corrupted during conversion (ticket 419)
  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected crash in merging zero-width polylines tool (ticket 420)


August 03, 2016

  • New:  RS-274X / DXF: Improved support for Gerber & DXF arc entities (ticket 371)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Automatically detect quadrant mode if not specified (ticket 414)
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Corrected mapping of white color to corresponding DXF color value (ticket 415)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when undoing deletion of polygons containing arc segments (ticket 371)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Correctly updating property display when deleting objects (ticket 320)


July 01, 2016

  • Fix:  Tools: Layer selection mask tool now correctly honours specified percentage (ticket 413)


June 29, 2016

  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected crash when merging zero-width polylines (ticket 412)


June 23, 2016

  • Fix:  Tools and all export formats: Corrected crash when performing Boolean operation (ticket 411)


June 23, 2016

  • New:  Tools: Major (up to 10x faster) performance improvement for Boolean, merge and other polygon operations (ticket 407)
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to merge zero-width polylines (ticket 407)


May 13, 2016

  • New:  Tools: Added new command to invert current selection (ticket 402)
  • New:  Import: Improved import performance, especially for DXF (ticket 403)
  • New:  ANFv4 Export: Added support for Ansoft Neutral File Format Version 4 (ticket 405)
  • Fix:  Corrected application hang and excessive RAM usage on systems with more than 32 CPU cores (ticket 404)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Correctly applying model transformations to DXF REGION entities (ticket 409)
  • Fix:  Parasolid XT Export: Fixed crash when exporting complex models (ticket 410)


March 23, 2016

  • New:  Improved performance of object cloning, resulting in faster flattenning of hierarchy (ticket 400)
  • New:  Tools: Added new tool to flatten drawing hierachy (ticket 401)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: fixed incorrect import of step & repeat with only single row or column (ticket 385)


March 04, 2016

  • Fix:  RS-274X / DXF Import: Corrected potentially missed vertex when importing polygons with arcs (ticket 399)


March 02, 2016

  • New:  Added support for XML-based network license files (ticket 398)


February 28, 2016

  • New:  GDS-TXT Export: Removed vertex limit when exporting polygons (ticket 395)
  • New:  Renamed option ToolDeembedCutLines into ToolHolesModeLink and ToolFixEvenOddFill into ToolEvenOddFill (ticket 396)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed incorrect handling of full multi-quadrant circles (ticket 397)


February 22, 2016

  • New:  Image Export: Added support for bitmap image export (ticket 392)
  • New:  PDF Import: Added support for importing PDF files (ticket 391)
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to convert quasi-arcs to true arcs (ticket 389)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash during repair of non-zero width polylines (ticket 388)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Correct export of bulge arcs (ticket 371)
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Improved handling of rotated array references (AREF) (ticket 390)
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Corrected vertical text position when using middle alignment (ticket 393)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Corrected zero-width text fonts being flagged as zero-width open polylines (ticket 394)


May 04, 2016

  • New:  Updated code signatures


November 18, 2015

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed polylines with non-zero width being deleted when performing zero-width polyline repairing (ticket 387)


October 27, 2015

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed shifted text labels when using "middle" alignement (ticket 368)


October 14, 2015

  • Fix:  ANSYS ANF Export: Possible application hang when importing layer names containing only numbers (ticket 386)


October 09, 2015

  • Fix:  DXF Import: fixed incorrect warning about unsupported REGION entities (ticket 383)


October 07, 2015

  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: fixed incorrect import of step & repeat with only single row or column (ticket 385)


October 02, 2015

  • New:  CIF Import / Export: Added support for CleWin 3 CIF extensions (ticket 382)
  • Fix:  Corrected crash when importing donut entities (ticket 384)


September 18, 2015

  • New:  DXF / RS-274X: Added native support for arc entities (ticket 371)
  • New:  DXF / RS-274X: Added native support for arc segments in polygons (ticket 371)
  • New:  Tools: Added option to perform various tools from command line (ticket 375)
  • New:  Tools: Improved polygon repairing (ticket 377)
  • New:  GDS-TXT Export: Missing option to control unwinding (ticket 380)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Corrected import of REGION entities with negative normal vector (ticket 375)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Corrected potential application hanging (ticket 379)


May 04, 2016

  • New:  Updated code signatures


April 13, 2015

  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed import of TEXT records with missing magnification record (ticket 370)


March 09, 2015

  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed shifted text labels when using exact line spacing (ticket 368)


February 17, 2015

  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed shifted text labels when using baseline alignement (ticket 368)
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: "Font not found" error incorrectly raised when PRESENTATION record missing (ticket 369)
  • Fix:  Correctly handling degenerate polylines where all vertices are at the same coordinate (ticket 370)


January 30, 2015

  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed incorrect usage of G36/G37 when writing donuts (ticket 367)


December 12, 2014

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Orientation of DXF ARCs may be incorrect if negative projection matrix applied to ARC entity (ticket 366)


December 05, 2014

  • New:  Postscript Export: Corrected export to custom paper formats (ticket 363)
  • New:  Gerber RS-274X Import: Correctly importing zero-width draws as polylines (ticket 364)


May 04, 2016

  • New:  Updated code signatures


October 28, 2014

  • New:  Raster Image Import: Several image files may be selected and imported onto separate layers (ticket 361)
  • New:  Raster Image Import: Added option to combine adjacent pixels vertically as well as horizontally (ticket 362)


August 23, 2014

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash in mask selection tool (ticket 360)


August 22, 2014

  • New:  RS-274X Export: Added option to force exporting polylines as Gerber draws (ticket 357)
  • New:  GDSII: Added support for non-standard staggered array references (ticket 359)
  • Fix:  Fixed redraw error when scrolling layer list (ticket 354)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed parsing of binary DXF files (ticket 355)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed conversion of quasi-circles to true circles (ticket 356)
  • Fix:  Fixed possibly duplicate layer / cell names (ticket 358)


May 04, 2016

  • New:  Updated code signatures


May 16, 2014

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed crash when paper space contains HATCH entitity (ticket 353)


May 09, 2014

  • Fix:  DXF/GDSII Export: Fixed crash when exporing text labels with middle vertical alignment (bug introduced in LinkCAD 7.1.15) (ticket 352)


March 28, 2014

  • New:  Postscript Export: Added option to select paper size units
  • New:  GDSII Export: Added option to automatically unwind self-intersecting polygons (checked by default) (ticket 351)


March 14, 2014

  • New:  ACIS SAT Export: Added ACIS SAT Export (still beta) (ticket 105)
  • New:  RS-274 Export: Set RS-274X default line width setting to zero to force export of zero-width polylines (ticket 345)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Improved compliance with G36/G37 command (ticket 348)
  • Fix:  Image Import: Fixed black / white being inverted (ticket 344)
  • Fix:  Fixed potential crash when clicking on "Back"
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed ByLayer / ByBlock flags incorrectly applied to polygonal circles / donuts (ticket 350)


May 04, 2016

  • New:  Updated code signatures


January 15, 2014

  • Fix:  Layer Map: Enabled use of layer names containing space characters in layer map (ticket 341)
  • Fix:  Postscript Export: Fixed crash when exporting to Postscript in batch mode (ticket 342)


November 22, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed certain hatch types from creating "holes" inside hatched area (ticket 339)
  • Fix:  Fixed potential application crash while upgrading to new version (ticket 340)


November 20, 2013

  • New:  Bitmap/Image Import: Added support for splitting gray level ranges into separate layers (ticket 337)
  • New:  RS-274X Export: Automatically exporting square ended polylines as polygon contours (ticket 338)


October 30, 2013

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added support for negative image polarity (ticket 335)


October 09, 2013

  • Fix:  Fixed incorrect display of colors (ticket 333)
  • Fix:  PostScript Export: Fixed inability to increase number of layers per page (ticket 334)


October 04, 2013

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed tool to join open polylines (ticket 331)


September 27, 2013

  • New:  Enhanced user interface command availability feedback (ticket 328)
  • New:  DXF Import: Improved support for AutoCAD 2011 REGION entities (ticket 329)
  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected bug in layer selection mask tool (ticket 326)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed incorrect handling of spline arcs in REGION entities (ticket 330)


September 25, 2013

  • New:  Tools: Joining polylines into polygons now removes zero-width, zero-length polylines (ticket 323)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed unexpected HATCH group code error (ticket 325)
  • Fix:  ANF Export: Fixed transformations incorrectly applied to exported entities (ticket 327)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed incorrect placement of TEXT entities for certain attachment points (ticket 313)


September 06, 2013

  • New:  Layer Map: A map entry named "*" (without quotes) allows the user to specify default values to be used for any layer not specified in the map file (ticket 318)


August 30, 2013

  • New:  Tools: Added option to only merge Polygon entities (ticket 321)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed tools applied to entities on disabled layers (ticket 319)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Property list not displayed if consecutively selecting multiple entities (ticket 320)


August 25, 2013

  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed zero-width NURBS/Spline entities not being exported using specified default width (ticket 316)
  • Fix:  CIF Import: Fixed cell names set with "9" command ignored (bug introduced in version (ticket 317)


August 14, 2013

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added support for step & repeat with negative step values (ticket 314)
  • New:  Postscript Export: Added option to reverse stacking order of superimposed layers (ticket 315)


August 09, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed incorrect TEXT entity placement when vertical alignment set to "middle" (ticket 313)


July 15, 2013

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed incorrect precision applied when converting quasi-circles to circles (ticket 311)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import of ARC entities not smoothly exploded to polygons (ticket 312)


June 18, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import of ARC entities with negative extrusion direction (ticket 310)


June 14, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Export: Fixed incorrect layer colors in exported DXF file (ticket 309)


June 10, 2013

  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed potential crash when importing file containing a level name (LN) identical to the file base name (ticket 299)


June 07, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed incorrect parsing of TEXT entities (ticket 295)


May 29, 2013

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed potential crash in Boolean operations (ticket 303)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed cell ignored if name identical to file name (ticket 307)


May 27, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed closed ELLIPSE entities not filled (ticket 302)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import of LINE entities when coordinate group codes are out of sequence (ticket 304)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed possible crash when cropping drawing (ticket 305)
  • Fix:  Fixed possible crash triggered by large coordiante values (ticket 306)


May 15, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed circular hatch pattern not imported correctly (ticket 297)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed potential crash if OpenGL drivers are missing (ticket 298)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed potential crash when importing file containing a level name (LN) identical to the file base name (ticket 299)
  • Fix:  Fixed compatibility issues with Windows XP (ticket 300)


May 07, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed missing percentage sign (%) in TEXT entities (ticket 295)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Cell name references are handled case insensitively (ticket 286)
  • Fix:  Fixed user interface not updating while executing tool commands (ticket 296)


April 24, 2013

  • New:  Tools: Added new tool to merge drawings (ticket 289)
  • New:  Added Parasolid XT export to LinkCAD (System Interface Option) (ticket 292)
  • New:  Added ANSYS ANF export to LinkCAD (System Interface Option) (ticket 292)
  • New:  Added EMAX (ANSYS-ICEM TETIN) export to LinkCAD (System Interface Option) (ticket 292)
  • New:  DXF Import: Auto-closing zero-width polylines with coincident first/last vertex (ticket 293)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when performing tool operation on current selection (ticket 294)


April 10, 2013

  • Fix:  Viewer: Slow redraw after performing tool operations (ticket 287)
  • Fix:  Cell tree not updated when flattening while displaying viewer (ticket 288)


April 03, 2013

  • New:  Postscript Import: Updated Postscript plug-in to latest version (ticket 284)
  • Fix:  Parasolid XT Export: Restored option to select physical units, enforcing meters (ticket 282)


March 25, 2013

  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed incorrectly applied layer polarities (ticket 283)
  • Fix:  Parasolid XT Export: Removed option to select physical units, enforcing meters (ticket 282)


April 22, 2013

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed transformations not being applied when flattening hierarchy (ticket 281)
  • Fix:  Fixed excessive memory consumption when importing identical entities (ticket 279)
  • Fix:  Shortening display of long layer names (ticket 276)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Implemented work-around for possibly missing features when applying layer polarities (ticket 277)


March 20, 2013

  • New:  Edit: Added property editor to viewer (ticket 267)
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to fix self-intersecting polygons (ticket 241)
  • New:  Tools: Added option to apply tools to selected shapes only (ticket 262)
  • New:  Viewer: Added layer list to viewer (ticket 266)
  • New:  Tools: Simplified Tools menu (ticket 264)
  • New:  RS-274X Export: Reporting required coordinate format (ticket 234)
  • New:  Edit: Added command to merge visible layers (ticket 213)
  • New:  Edit: Cells names / numbers can be edited (right-click on cell) (ticket 211)
  • New:  Parasolid XT Export: Added support for holes (ticket 260)
  • New:  GUI: Added option alternate high-contrast theme (ticket 275)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Forcing export of polygon having zero area (ticket 172)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import hanging when parsing ATTRIB entities (ticket 273)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Corrected display level control (ticket 274)


May 03, 2016

  • New:  Updated code signatures


March 13, 2013

  • New:  Batch conversion: Convert files in same folder to layers in single output file (ticket 239)
  • Fix:  Fixed main window invisible when switching screens (ticket 269)
  • Fix:  Fixed Parasolid XT/ANSYS ANF Export dialogs not shown (ticket 270)


February 12, 2013

  • New:  RS-274X Export: Reporting required coordinate format (ticket 234)


February 06, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed positioning of TEXT entities with horizontal alignment set to "middle" (ticket 265)


February 01, 2013

  • New:  Bitmap Import: Added option to create non-square pixels (ticket 261)


January 23, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Allowing import of REGION entities slightly out of plane (ticket 258)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import of rational SPLINE entities (ticket 257)


January 21, 2013

  • New:  Tools: Converting text to polygons creates non-overlapping polygons (ticket 253)
  • New:  Edit: Added context menu entry to copy measured coordinate / distance (ticket 255)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for non-standard HATCH entities created by Pro/ENGINEER (ticket 256)
  • New:  Postscript Export: Exporting polygons with holes without visible cut-lines (ticket 252)
  • New:  Remembers window size and position across sessions (ticket 244)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed DXF file locked after importing (ticket 254)
  • Fix:  Fixed possible crash when executing Boolean operations (ticket 251)


January 15, 2013

  • New:  Removed warning about self-intersecting polygons (will be replaced by a specific tool) (ticket 241)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added option to move HATCH entities to separate layer, or ignore them (ticket 240)
  • New:  RS-274D Import: Added support for embedded Ranger XL aperture lists (ticket 248)
  • Fix:  Translate origin tool: Fixed origin of polylines / polygons not being moved (ticket 247)
  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected de-embedding tool when using non-zero winding rule for filling (ticket 207)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash when repairing polylines (ticket 250)


January 14, 2013

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed UCS and BLOCK origin applied incorrectly (ticket 246)


January 11, 2013

  • New:  Remembers window position across sessions (ticket 244)
  • New:  Tools: zero-width open splines / NURBS are considered for polyline repairing (ticket 245)
  • Fix:  Fixed font path setting being ignored (ticket 149)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when performing Boolean operations (also affects various import/export formats) (ticket 242)


January 09, 2013

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when performing Boolean operations (also affects various import/export formats) (ticket 235, 236, 229)
  • Fix:  Fixed license registration problems (ticket 237)
  • Fix:  Implemented fix for incorrect text placement (only affects Windows 7 32-bit or earlier) (ticket 238)


January 02, 2013

  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for HATCH entity (ticket 157, 220)


November 20, 2012

  • New:  Detecting self-intersecting polygons and explicit handling of winding rules (ticket 207)
  • New:  Simplified user interface for specifying layer height and thickness (ticket 198)
  • New:  TLC Import/Export: Updated LASI TLC to version 6 (ticket 208)
  • New:  Allowing fractional coordinates in Tools > Crop (ticket 210)
  • New:  Added support for Windows 8 (ticket 206, 214, 215)
  • New:  Improved broken polyline repair tool (ticket 217)
  • New:  Improved import of PostScript paths (ticket 219)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added option to select polyline end cap (ticket 222)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added option to specify absolute text stroke width (ticket 223)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed highlighting of broken polylines (ticket 216)
  • Fix:  Improved progress bar feedback (ticket 204)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed incorrect rendering of stroked circles (ticket 221)
  • Fix:  Viewer: fixed donuts with zero inner diameter not being displayed at certain zoom levels (ticket 225)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed certain closed ELLIPSEs not closed in LinkCAD (ticket 226)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed incorrect placement of ELLIPSEs when using custom OCS (ticket 227)
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Fixed crash when trying to export Polyline with less than two vertices (ticket 231)
  • Fix:  Fixed possible crash in Tools (ticket 232)


November 02, 2012

  • Fix:  Viewer: Implemented work-around for viewer hanging when using accelerated graphics driver (ticket 180)


October 30, 2012

  • Fix:  Fixed failure to perform Boolean operation (ticket 205)


October 29, 2012

  • New:  Added support for Spline entities (ticket 200)
  • New:  Improved rearranging layers in layer list (ticket 195)
  • Fix:  Ansys ANF Export: Fixed layers not stacked correctly (ticket 198)
  • Fix:  Fixed unable to undo deletion of Circle entities (ticket 202)
  • Fix:  Fixed incorrect quasi-circle to circle conversion (ticket 201)


October 24, 2012

  • New:  Merge tool: added option to split polygons (ticket 189)
  • Fix:  Added fix for compiler bug on 32-bit Windows (ticket 194)
  • Fix:  GDSII, CIF Export: Fixed missing splitted polygons (bug introduced in version (ticket 188)
  • Fix:  ACIS SAT Import: Fixed layer list display when importing ACIS SAT files (ticket 159)
  • Fix:  Fixed disabled cells exported if used by disabled child cells (ticket 186)


October 15, 2012

  • New:  Tools: Improved success rate of Boolean operations (ticket 182, 183)
  • Fix:  Batch conversion: Fixed crash when Boolean operation fails (ticket 181)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when converting in batch mode (ticket 118)
  • Fix:  Layer map not applied when specified on command line (ticket 184)


October 12, 2012

  • New:  Tools: Reduced memory usage and improved processing speed of Boolean/Merge operations (ticket 179)
  • New:  RS-274X Export: Generating warning when coordinates cannot be represented in selected coordinate format (ticket 178)


October 05, 2012

  • New:  DXF Import: Improved MTEXT parsing (ticket 176)
  • New:  Reflecting top-cell changes in cell tree (ticket 13)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash on 32-bit Windows (ticket 177)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash when applying selection mask (ticket 41)


October 01, 2012

  • New:  Text Import: Improved accuracy of text placement (ticket 73)
  • New:  Reduced memory usage and processing time for large number of entities (ticket 170)
  • New:  Improved conversion for large number of cells (ticket 173)
  • Fix:  Fixed merge tool removing lines (ticket 167)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed incorrect handling of paint-and-scratch layers (ticket 175)


August 21, 2012

  • New:  Added option to create split polygons in layer operations
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when imported file contains a cell with same name as imported file (ticket 162)
  • Fix:  DXF & ACIS SAT Export: Fixed export of REGIONS with multiple holes (ticket 163)


August 17, 2012

  • Fix:  GDSII/GDS-TXT Import: Fixed TEXT stroke width ignored (ticket 153)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import of open ELLIPSE entities (ticket 155)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed polylines missing final segment (ticket 160)


July 06, 2012

  • Fix:  PostScript Export: Fixed invalid scaling factor (ticket 151)


July 03, 2012

  • New:  RS-274D: Added support for GAP aperture files (ticket 144)
  • New:  Viewer: Measurement tools also snap to nested entities (ticket 145)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for new AutoCAD 2011 group codes (ticket 146)
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to move drawing origin (ticket 50)
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to snap all polygon coordinates to user-defined grid (ticket 147)
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to enforce axis-aligned ("Manhattan") polygon edges (ticket 147)


June 11, 2012

  • New:  Expanded database coordinate precision to 1 pm (picometer) (ticket 138)
  • New:  Expanded database coordinate range to +/- 4500 m (meters) at full picometer precision and +/- 9e6 m with 15-digit precision (ticket 138)
  • New:  Improved display rendering of drawings having very large coordinates (ticket 138)
  • New:  RS-274X Import: Allowing D-codes up to 99999 (ticket 140)
  • New:  Added right-click menu to layer list displaying area of elements on layer (ticket 141)
  • Fix:  RS-264X Import: Fixed import of multiple Gerber layers (ticket 142)
  • Fix:  IE3D: Fixed conversion of GEO files (ticket 139)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed merge operation incorrectly reported as failed (ticket 137)
  • Fix:  CIF Import: Fixed import of rotated BOX entities (ticket 143)


May 04, 2012

  • New:  All export formats without native text support: Text entities exported as polylines instead of polygon outlines (ticket 136)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed zero-width polylines being drawn using incorrect line width (ticket 135)


April 05, 2012

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed potential crash when importing variable-width polylines (ticket 130)
  • Fix:  View: Fixed potential crash when clicking in View window without View license (ticket 131)
  • Fix:  Edit: Fixed Boolean edit tools not using correct first selected item (ticket 132)
  • Fix:  View: Fixed donuts not being drawin filled in filled dawing mode (ticket 133)


March 28, 2012

  • Fix:  GDS-TXT Import: Fixed bug introduced in version 6.0.24 (ticket 128)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed potential error when using Boolean operations (ticket 129)


March 01, 2012

  • New:  Tools: Re-added cropping tool (ticket 127)


February 29, 2012

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed nested quasi-circles not converted to circles (ticket 125)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed panning tool (ticket 126)


February 24, 2012

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash in file operations (ticket 123)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Disabled step & repeat for nestd rotated arrays (ticket 124)


February 15, 2012

  • Fix:  Tools: Selecting measurement tool also selects point selection tool (ticket 122)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed rounding errors in measurement tools (ticket 121)


January 20, 2012

  • Fix:  Fixed possible crash when importing file (ticket 120)


January 11, 2012

  • Fix:  Tools & Export: fixed flat ended polygons may be exploded to square extended and vice-versa (ticket 119)


December 18, 2011

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash when converting quasi-circles to circles (ticket 118)


December 02, 2011

  • Fix:  GDSII: Fixed geometry transformations not applied when flattening GDSII output (ticket 117)


November 30, 2011

  • New:  Improved display speed of cell structure tree (ticket 90)
  • New:  Tools: Improved performance of polygon repair tool (ticket 109)
  • New:  Tools: Added commands to perform Boolean operations between any selected entity (ticket 114)
  • Fix:  Fixed possible drawing database corruption (ticket 116)


November 28, 2011

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when displaying filled polygon with more than 16'384 vertices (ticket 82)


November 25, 2011

  • New:  Viewer: Re-enabled filled display for polygons with more than 10'000 vertices (ticket 82)
  • New:  Added auto-update (ticket 110)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed corrupted display in filled drawing mode (ticket 67)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed polygon repair tool not closing all polygons (ticket 65)
  • Fix:  Fixed possible drawing database corruption (ticket 76)


November 19, 2011

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when using measurement tool (ticket 102)
  • Fix:  CIF (and other) Export: Fixed duplicate cell (symbol) numbers when converting from certain file formats (ticket 104)


November 16, 2011

  • New:  DXF Export: Added option to fill polygons with solid HATCH (ticket 97)
  • New:  Batch mode: Improved file selection and output file names (ticket 66)
  • New:  RS-274D Import: Added aperture parser for Altium
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Fixed AutoCAD unable to display DXF file created by LinkCAD (ticket 98)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed long delays when panning, zooming (case 100)


November 14, 2011

  • Fix:  Compass Layout Import: Fixed error when importing line with more than 256 characters (ticket 95)
  • Fix:  Fixed spurious crashes in graphcs card driver (ticket 96)


November 09, 2011

  • Fix:  Fixed tooltips disabled after entering viewer window (ticket 94)


November 08, 2011

  • New:  Image Import: Added support for compressed TIFF images (ticket 16)
  • Fix:  User interface always English


November 07, 2011

  • New:  Improved import speed
  • Fix:  Image Import: Fixed layer list not displayed correctly when importing bitmap images (ticket 88)
  • Fix:  Import: Fixed crash during import (ticket 89)


October 28, 2011

  • New:  GDSII data types may be specified in layer maps using e.g. "xx-yy" notation (layer xx, data type yy) (ticket 79)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: RS-274D options no longer affect importing of RS-274X files (ticket 86)
  • Fix:  Fixed layer map not working (ticket 79)
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed potential calculation error when importing AREF with small MAG factors (ticket 17)


October 27, 2011

  • New:  Viewer: Disabled filled display for polygons with more than 10'000 vertices (ticket 82)
  • Fix:  Sonnet Export: Fixed crash when exporting to Sonnet (ticket 81)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed aperture flash options not remembered (ticket 80)
  • Fix:  Viewer: Selection tool not activated by default (ticket 77)


October 21, 2011

  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed crash when importing certain references (ticket 76)


October 17, 2011

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed crash when importing ByLayer / ByBlock entities (ticket 74)


October 14, 2011

  • Fix:  Fixed viewer window blank after resizing (ticket 70)
  • Fix:  Fixed LinkCAD 5 license not migrated to LinkCAD 6 (ticket 71)
  • Fix:  Fixed invalid text placement (ticket 73)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: improved handling of ByLayer / ByBlock (ticket 72)


October 12, 2011

  • New:  New high-performance database
  • New:  Added support for 64-bit Windows and up to 192GB RAM
  • New:  Added Undo/Redo (requires "edit" license)
  • Fix:  Prevent applying layer map in regular (non-batch) mode (ticket 69)


April 01, 2011

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Improved layer handling


March 22, 2011

  • New:  Tools: Improved compatiblity with Windows 7.


December 07, 2010

  • New:  Tools: Added tool to remove duplicate polygons and polylines. (ticket 62)


August 25, 2010

  • Fix:  Improved backwards compatibility with Windows XP (ticket 52)


August 09, 2010

  • New:  Raster Image Import: Added support for (uncompressed) TIFF images. (ticket 16)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for special characters in DXF 2009/10 (ticket 34)
  • New:  Added new Network Lite license (ticket 55)
  • New:  DXF Import: Improved import of variable-width polylines (ticket 54)
  • New:  Improved compatibility with Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008 (ticket 52)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed ELLIPSE entities with negative extrusion direction (ticket 49)
  • Fix:  Drill File Output: Fixed units specification (ticket 51)


November 11, 2009

  • Fix:  Fixed DLL dependency error on Windows XP


September 29, 2009

  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed layer polarity command being applied to drawing command preceeding it (ticket 46)


September 25, 2009

  • New:  Added further configurable attributes to layer mapping file (ticket 38)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed step and repeat offsets incorrect (ticket 45)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed draws using rectangluar aperture rendered as round ended (ticket 44)


February 12, 2009

  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for AutoCAD 2007 SHAPE entities (ticket 36)
  • New:  DXF Import: Improved MTEXT alignment support (ticket 34)
  • Fix:  Fixed arc problems introduced in release 5.7.1 (ticket 32, 35)


January 23, 2009

  • Fix:  RX-274X: Layers with entities deleted when importing Gerber files (ticket 29)


November 04, 2008

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added support for coordinates with explicit decimal point (ticket 21)
  • New:  RS-274X Import: Removed special handling of D99 aperture
  • New:  RS-274D Import: Added support for Protel Autotrax aperture files
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed option "apply layer polarities" not working (ticket 27)
  • Fix:  CIF Import: Added support for very long CIF comments. (case 5446)
  • Fix:  Tools: Improved reliability of polygon operations (ticket 01, 23, 26)
  • Fix:  Tools: Speed and reliability improvements
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed drawing of fractional arcs in SHX fonts (ticket 19)
  • Fix:  Fixed use of custom SHX fonts (ticket 20)


December 13, 2007

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed POLYLINE vertex points omitted when curve-fit tangent flag set (case 5429)


December 06, 2007

  • New:  License: Added non-transferrable file based host license
  • New:  Tools: Added Text entities to "Convert to Outline" tool
  • New:  Added option to specify arc resolutions in dots per inch (DPI)


October 05, 2007

  • New:  Tools: Enhanced boolean operations on files (case 5397)


August 08, 2007

  • New:  RS-274X Export: Performance improvements
  • Fix:  Newly created layers no longer hidden
  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed display of concave polygons with more than 16k vertices (case 1691)


August 04, 2007

  • New:  PostScript Export: No longer exporting white layers as black (case 5326)
  • New:  Added option to hide / show unused layers
  • New:  Gerber RS-274X Import: Improved layer naming and removing temporary layers
  • Fix:  CIF Import: Fixed crash when importing entity without defined layer (case 5347)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash when performing boolean operations on files without selecting a file (case 5346)
  • Fix:  Gerber RS-274X Import: Fixed step & repeat when importing multiple Gerber files


June 02, 2007

  • New:  IE3D Export: Added support for IE3D version 11 and 12
  • New:  Tools: Improved tool to perform Boolean operations between files
  • New:  GDSII, RS-274X Export: Reverted to winding rule when splitting polygons with holes (case 5311)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed invalid line ends generated when flattening


May 15, 2007

  • New:  Tools: Added tool to perform boolean operations on files


May 03, 2007

  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed sporadic parsing errors after loading external aperture lists (case 5313)


April 06, 2007

  • New:  GDSII, RS-274X Export: Using even-odd rule when splitting polygons with holes (case 5311)


March 14, 2007

  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Correct layer polarities when importing multiple files
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed hidden layers when using data-types (case 5296)


January 12, 2007

  • New:  ACIS SAT & DXF Import: Improved handling of spline data in REGION entities (case 5277)


December 07, 2006

  • New:  CIF Import: Added support for CleWin 3.1 layer comments
  • New:  Modla Export: Only exporting convex polygons
  • New:  Modla Export: Added layer name after body type
  • New:  Tools: Displaying layer color in layer selection dialogs
  • New:  Unused layers are no longer hidden
  • New:  CIF Export: Storing layer color when exporting to CleWin
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed layer selection tool incorrectly selecting pattern elements (case 5267, 5273)
  • Fix:  GDSII Export: Datatype of text record was incorrectly set to layer number


November 09, 2006

  • New:  Added support for Windows Vista
  • New:  Modla Export: Improved Modla support


October 31, 2006

  • New:  Storing last import and export folder separately (case 1717)
  • New:  GDSII Export: Don't produce text output with overlapping polygons (case 1682)
  • New:  IE3D Import: Added support for IE3D 11.1 (case 1732)
  • New:  Conversion: Added option (under Tools > Options... > Conversion) to keep unresolved references (case 5227)
  • Fix:  Fixed drawing bug in filled, round-ended polylines
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed potential endless loop while merging / using tools (case 1691)
  • Fix:  Export: Fixed calculation of facets when exporting donuts (case 1714)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed MTEXT rotation when negative extrusion vector used (case 1714)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed potential self-intersections in variable-width polylines (case 1714, 1553)
  • Fix:  Tools: Corrected problem when de-embedding polygons with sliced holes (case 1741)
  • Fix:  GUI: Corrected nesting level display button
  • Fix:  GUI: Corrected crash when using expired support license (case 5238)


August 09, 2006

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Allowing more digits than specified by coordinate format (case 1673)


August 01, 2006

  • New:  RS-274X Export: Export polygons with holes as sliced simple polygons (case 1635)
  • New:  Tools: Added option to create holes as sliced simple polygons (case 1635)
  • New:  Tools: Reduced memory consumption for Tools and improved speed
  • New:  CIF Export: Limiting polygon size to 8192 vertices when exporting to CleWin
  • New:  RS-274D Import: Added support for Epac aperture lists
  • New:  GDSII Export: Added option to scale drawing by user-defined factor
  • New:  Tools: Added tool to apply selection mask to pattern layer
  • New:  Modla Export: Added MODLA file format to Simulation option
  • New:  Tools: Up to six time faster merge & boolean operations (case 1459)
  • Fix:  Fixed random crash in open file dialog caused by Adobe Acrobat 7 on Windows XP SP2
  • Fix:  ACIS Import: Only creating one layer per layer z-value
  • Fix:  GUI: Various layer list improvements
  • Fix:  RS-274D Import: Fixed parsing of short external aperture lists
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Improved display of SREFs with absolute scaling/rotation (case 1497)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed crash when parsing invalid aperture macro (case 1545)
  • Fix:  GDS-TXT Export: Corrected TEXTTYPE record for TEXT entities
  • Fix:  Text entities: Fixed positioning of centered text entities
  • Fix:  Tools: Displaying newly created layers after layer operations
  • Fix:  CIF Import: Added support for CleWin 3.x style layer comments
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed variable width polyline to outline conversion (case 1553)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Empty layers no longer shown in layer list
  • Fix:  GDSII Export: Fixed potential gap when exporting donuts (case 1512)


November 30, 2005

  • New:  DXF Import: Improved import of closed variable-width polylines (case 1400)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed potential problem when reading variable-width polylines (case 1400)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed sporadic program crash when merging overlapping polygons (case 1400)
  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed bug introduced in LinkCAD version 5.5.19 where imported paths are always flat ended (GDSII type 0) (case 1486)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed problem where Splines with rounding errors in knot vector were not imported correctly (case 1487)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed problem when using boolean operations / conversion to outline on closed paths (case 1484)


November 28, 2005

  • Fix:  Fixed sporadic program error due to bug in Windows Service Pack 1 and 2 (case 1453, 1391, 1399, 1426, 1436, 1435, 1410, 1149)


November 18, 2005

  • New:  Tools: Added polygon de-embedding tool in batch mode


November 16, 2005

  • Fix:  Fixed dependency on MSVCP71.dll


November 09, 2005

  • Fix:  Licensing: fixed expiration warning when using network license (case 1470)


November 03, 2005

  • New:  GSD-TXT: Removed polygon vertex limitation (case 1444)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed grayed out Next button after layer operations (case 1452)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed mirroring of ellipses with negative extrusion factor (case 1462)


July 28, 2005

  • Fix:  Boolean operations: Fixed potential problems with re-entrant polygons (case 1378)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed potential problem when reading variable-width polylines (case 1400)


July 08, 2005

  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed crash when exporting layer with name shorter than four letters (case 1387)


June 28, 2005

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed potential problem in "Convert Quasi-Circles to Circles" tool


June 23, 2005

  • New:  GDSII Import: Allowing multiple XY records in boundary records (extends GDSII vertex limit beyond 8191 vertices)
  • New:  Tools: Improved "subtract overlapping polygons" algorithm and renamed to "de-embed polygons"


May 23, 2005

  • New:  GDSII Export: Added option to default data type to layer number (case 1342)
  • New:  Tools: Improved boolean operations on layers (case 1345)
  • New:  Removed limit of 32768 vertices per polygon (case 1350)
  • Fix:  GDSII Export: Fixed problem when splitting polygons containing holes (case 1348)


April 30, 2005

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed potential problem when reading variable width polylines
  • Fix:  GDSII Export: Fixed potential problem when splitting large polygons (case 1301)


February 26, 2005

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed potential problem with boolean operations (case 1284)


February 23, 2005

  • New:  Tools: Major speed improvements to all boolean operations
  • New:  Tools: Increased number of polygons per boolean operation to 4 million
  • New:  Faster logging of error messages (case 1273)
  • New:  Faster resolving of cell references (case 1273)
  • Fix:  Fixed progress bar when reading files larger than 20 MBytes (case 1273)


December 24, 2004

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Improved handling of rounding errors in polylines (case 1248)
  • Fix:  Edit: Improved entity selection


November 25, 2004

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added multiple file import (case 622)
  • Fix:  CIF Import: Correctly reading old-style layer comments in CleWin generated files


November 09, 2004

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when Viewer license missing / expired (case 1221, 1222)
  • Fix:  Command line: Fixed crash when hiding all dialogs and now main cell detected (case 1151)


November 06, 2004

  • Fix:  Command line: Fixed bug when automatically applying layer map (case 1205)


November 05, 2004

  • New:  Edit: Added "Clear" command to delete selected entities
  • New:  Edit: Added lasso (identifying window) to select entities


November 04, 2004

  • Fix:  Fixed disabled Next button after upgrading
  • Fix:  Command line: Top cell selected by LcSelectTopCell option correctly enabled (case 1205)
  • Fix:  Command line: Layer map correctly applied after changing top cell (case 1205)


November 02, 2004

  • New:  Tools: Added layer property window in Viewer


November 01, 2004

  • New:  GDSII / CIF Export: Improved polygon splitting algorithm (case 128)


October 24, 2004

  • New:  Tools: Added selection of top cell to batch and command line modes (see LcSelectTopCell option) (case 1205)
  • New:  Tools: Added right-click command to create new layers


October 13, 2004

  • Fix:  Text entities: Fixed horizontal / vertical alignement (case 1206)


October 12, 2004

  • New:  Tools: Added layer map support to batch conversion and to command line modes (see LcApplyLayerMap option) (case 588)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed rotated outline-type aperture macros (case 1020)


October 03, 2004

  • New:  Tools: Added right-click commands to layer list (merge layers)


September 25, 2004

  • Fix:  Sonnet Export: Fixed location of nexted entities


September 27, 2004

  • New:  GDSII / GDS-TXT: Added data type support
  • Fix:  Fixed default file extension when saving
  • Fix:  Sonnet Export: Fixed direction y-coordinates


September 14, 2004

  • New:  Sonnet Export: Added Sonnet Project file support


September 03, 2004

  • New:  Edit: Added basic editing capabilities
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed support for AutoCAD 2004 REGION entities (case 1189)


July 30, 2004

  • New:  Quasi-circle to circle conversion tool: Removed quirement for convex polygons (case 1158)
  • Fix:  Compass Layout Input: Fixed potential crash when reading invalid file (case 1165)


July 21, 2004

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added support for Cadstar aperture lists (case 1143)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed loading of external RS-274D aperture files (case 1146)


July 08, 2004

  • Fix:  PostScript Import: LinkCAD on Windows 95/98/Me produces error when reading PostScript file (case 1136)


July 07, 2004

  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Ingoring invalid flags set by buggy GDSII software (case 1134)


July 02, 2004

  • New:  Layer map: Allowing duplicate layer names after applying map (case 1123)
  • Fix:  ACIS SAT Import: Fixed circular entities in SAT files (case 1102)


June 04, 2004

  • New:  ACIS SAT Import: Added experimental ACIS SAT import (case 1102)


May 26, 2004

  • New:  DXF Export: Added REGION entity support (case 805)


May 25, 2004

  • New:  DXF Export: Added experimental REGION entity support (case 805)
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Last vertex of square-extended wires missing (case 1100)


May 21, 2004

  • New:  Raster Import: Added option to control merging of horizontally adjacent pixels (case 1094)
  • Fix:  Fixed unable to change settings contained in group boxes with check box (case 1088)


April 26, 2004

  • New:  Command line / file: "LcSkipSteps" option allows disabling progress dialogs (case 1072)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed potential crash (case 1069)


April 23, 2004

  • New:  Text: Added option to use square-ended strokes when drawing characters (Options Menu > Fonts) (case 1068)
  • Fix:  Fixed compatibility with Windows 95 and NT4 (case 1067)


April 22, 2004

  • Fix:  Viewer: fixed "ghost" image displayed when rendering (case 1062)
  • Fix:  Viewer: fixed cursor icons on non-Windows XP systems (case 1063)


April 15, 2004

  • New:  Viewer: Improved memory managment when displaying large concave polygons (case 1058)
  • New:  Viewer / Tools: Improved speed when Viewer and Tools active at the same time (case 1059)


April 13, 2004

  • New:  Added raster image (bitmap) import (case 741)
  • Fix:  Fixed possible crash when closing drawing while rendering in progress (case 1051)


March 30, 2004

  • New:  IE3D Export: Added support for XML-based GEO format (IE3D 10.10) (case 1005)


March 23, 2004

  • Fix:  GDSII Import: Fixed handling of strings with invalid data-count (appended null-character) (case 1040)


March 19, 2004

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added EIA / EBCDIC encoding support (case 1029)
  • New:  RS-274X Import: Auto-detecting encoding and end-of-block / parameter delimiter characters
  • Fix:  Fixed "component" label in layer map
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed possible endless loop in "Repair open polygons" tool (case 1026)


March 18, 2004

  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed flashing in Viewer if fast fill mode enabled and drawing contains text (case 1024)


March 16, 2004

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed possible endless loop in "Join adjacent wires" tool (case 1026)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed import of elliptic curves in REGIONs (case 1027)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Fixed handling of layer polarity (case 1020)


March 15, 2004

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added option to subtract clear-field layers from dark-field layers (case 1020)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Aperture macros are now placed on the correct layer


March 11, 2004

  • New:  IE3D Import: Added support for XML-based IE3D files (case 1005)
  • New:  Tools: Added new tool to join adjacent wires (case 919)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed crash when layer name with less than four characters encountered (case 1016)


March 09, 2004

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Added support for aperture macros (AM) (case 287)
  • New:  RS-274X Import: Allowing multiple G/D/M-codes per block (case 1001)
  • New:  IE3D Impot / Export: Added support for new units in IE3D version 10.05 (case 970)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Correctly handles M02 (program end) command
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed text transformations (case 1002)


March 02, 2004

  • New:  Tools: Added "tools" commands to batch conversions (case 691)


February 27, 2004

  • New:  Tools: Improved speed of wire-to-outline tool (also speeds up PostScript import) (case 975)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed bug in boolean operations on polygons (case 972, 974)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Corrected handling of "closepath" operator (case 967)


February 18, 2004

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed ignored full circles / curves in REGIONs (case 945)


February 16, 2004

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Ellipse curves in REGIONs result in invalid vertices (case 945)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed shifted UCS on entities with negative extrusion direction (case 954)


February 11, 2004

  • Fix:  DXF Import: REGIONs entities shifted by constant offset (case 941)
  • Fix:  Fixed compatibility with Windows 2003 (Advanced) Server (case 944)


January 20, 2004

  • Fix:  PostScript Export: Text rendered at wrong size (case 903)


January 19, 2004

  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for elliptic / circular arcs in REGIONs (case 859)


January 18, 2004

  • New:  Viewer: Improved behavior in the presence of integer overlows (case 893)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed bug in polygon operations (case 895)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed parallel line segments in variable-width polylines resulting in invalid vertices (case 878)


January 17, 2004

  • New:  Exploded wires never create self-intersecting polygons (case 883)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed parallel line segments in variable-width polylines resulting in invalid vertices (case 878)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed self-intersecting polygons created from polylines with arcs (case 892)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed several bugs in polygon operations (case 880, 881, 882, 885)


January 08, 2004

  • Fix:  Fixed last path in font path list being ignored (case 870)
  • Fix:  Fixed text with formatting containing invalid "?" characters (case 871)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Fixed rare bug in SPLINE to polygon conversion (case 876)


December 23, 2003

  • New:  Tools: Added boolean operations on layers (case 277)
  • New:  DXF Import: Added support for polygonial REGION entities (case 859)


December 23, 2003

  • Fix:  DXF Import / Export: Correctly decode / encode strings with escaped characters (case 863)


December 16, 2003

  • Fix:  Fixed slow startup on some computers (case 856)


December 11, 2003

  • Fix:  IE3D Import: Fixed comment line parameter in GEO 9.0 files (case 252)


December 04, 2003

  • Fix:  Disabling viewer if OpenGL driver fails (case 801)


December 04, 2003

  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed attachment when linking holes to outer polygon


December 03, 2003

  • New:  Tools: Up to 400 times faster polygon operations (merge, ...)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Accepting white space in Gerber files (case 438)
  • Fix:  Tools: Fixed crash when merging (case 772)


November 28, 2003

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when changing top cell in cell tree (case 835)
  • Fix:  Cell tree: top cell icon not visible if not a root of cell tree (case 836)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Step & Repeat option inverted (case 824)
  • Fix:  Tools: "Explode Child Cells" command deleted data when applied to an array reference (case 823)


November 13, 2003

  • New:  Convert to Outline Tool: Treating donuts w/o hole as circles (case 710)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed potential crash when importing PS files (case 788)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Import: Circular apertures no longer imported as donuts w/o hole but as circles (case 710)


October 17, 2003

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Layer polarity parameters (LPC/LPD) put objects on clear / dark field layer (case 237)
  • New:  Tools: Added support for donuts to Convert to Outline tool (case 710)


October 17, 2003

  • New:  Tools: Enabled experimental tool to perform XOR polygons (case 277)
  • New:  Tools: Enhanced "Explode to Outlines" tool and added option to explode circles
  • Fix:  Tools: Improved stability of boolean polygon operations (case 772)


October 14, 2003

  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed possible crash when treating white areas as holes (case 693)


October 07, 2003

  • Fix:  Viewer: Fixed crash when increasing window size during rendering (case 742)
  • Fix:  Batch conversion: allow skipping file selection dialog when running from command line (case 735)
  • Fix:  PostScript Export: Fixed page size not calculated correctly when running from command line (case 734)


September 26, 2003

  • New:  RS-274X Import: Extended maximum number of coordinate decimal places to 7 digits (case 680)
  • New:  Font option changes take effect immediately (previously required exiting LinkCAD) (case 677)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed filled holes in compound paths (eg. letter "O") (case 717)
  • Fix:  Fixed Invalid lines when rendering some characters (e.g. 'µ') in default SHX font (case 723)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed arc precision settings ignored when using absolute units (case 722)


September 25, 2003

  • New:  PostScript Import: Added support for binary DOS EPS files (case 713)
  • Fix:  Fixed error "The LINKCAD.EXE file is linked to missing export KERNEL32.DLL:GetFileSizeEx" (case 676)


August 30, 2003

  • New:  PostScript Import: Improved import of PostScript files (case 634)
  • New:  RS-274X Export: Changed units selection command in Excellon drill files (case 620)
  • Fix:  Batch conversion: Fixed crash when reading invalid file (case 639)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed ignored data in files containing binary data (case 645)
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: Fixed scaling errors when reading AutoCAD generated PostScript files (case 646)
  • Fix:  Adapting number of vertices of exploded NURBS / splines to enclosed angle (case 647)


August 13, 2003

  • Fix:  Fixed potential crash when using batch mode (case 619)


August 13, 2003

  • Fix:  All Exports: Fixed vertical shifting of text strings containing certain characters (case 613)
  • Fix:  All Exports: Fixed vertical alignement of text strings with attachment point at baseline (case 613)


August 11, 2003

  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Fixed wrong displacement when using circular interpolation (case 612)


August 08, 2003

  • New:  PostScript Import: Added support for mirrored text (case 611)
  • New:  PostScript Import: Added option to ignore clipping path (case 609)
  • Fix:  Fixed TXT default font rendered at random size (case 610)


August 07, 2003

  • Fix:  Fixed crash when using default font other than TXT (case 607)
  • Fix:  Fixed invalid lines when rendering SHX fonts
  • Fix:  PostScript Import: PostScript font names no longer ignored (case 608)


July 30, 2003

  • New:  RS-274X Import: allowing format code "N" for no zero omission in coordinates (case 579)
  • New:  RS-274X Export: Added support for exporting Excellon drill files (case 596)
  • Fix:  DXF Export: Trailing zeros of coordinates truncated when using 1 DXF unit = 1 nm (case 583)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: Invalid vertices generated for variable-width polylines containing arcs (case 593)
  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: Polygon filling not working when square aperture flashing enabled (case 587)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when default font is not set to "TXT" (case 582)
  • Fix:  Fixed additional installed fonts being ignored (case 581)
  • Fix:  Viewer: fixed drawing errors when displaying empty file (case 597)


July 15, 2003

  • Fix:  Tools: Improvements to "Merge overlapping polygons" command (case 551)


July 15, 2003

  • Fix:  DXF Import: fixed rare bug when converting variable-width polylines (case 555)
  • Removed:  DXF Import: restored pre 4.9.8 algorithm for conversion of variable-width polylines (case 434)


July 07, 2003

  • Removed:  Tools: Removed accidentially included beta version of "Subtract overlapping polygons" from tools menu


July 04, 2003

  • New:  Tools: Added "Merge overlapping polygons" command
  • New:  DXF Export: improved text transformations (mirroring, rotation) for MTEXT entities (case 489)
  • New:  DXF Import: improved text transformations (mirroring, rotation) for MTEXT entities (case 486)
  • New:  Tools: added right-click menu to cell structure tree to flatten selected cell and sub-cells
  • New:  User Interface: renamed "toggle outline" to "fill" (case 499)
  • New:  User Interface: moved items from "Tools" > "Modify..." directly under "Tools"
  • New:  Viewer: object contours are also visible in filled drawing mode
  • New:  Gerber / RS-274X Import: undefined apertures are treated as zero-width lines (case 550)
  • Fix:  Fixed wrong initial line segment for text entities
  • Removed:  GDSII / GDS-TXT Export: removed DB units option (defaulting to 1nm) (case 496)


April 17, 2003

  • Fix:  RS-274X Export: fixed number of digits exceeding maximum specified by coordinate format (case 453)


April 15, 2003

  • New:  Speed improvements to polygon library.


April 08, 2003

  • Fix:  IE3D Import: fixed problems introduced by case 438 in version (case 438)


April 07, 2003

  • New:  IE3D Import: fixed errors reported when IE3D file has been line-wrapped (case 438)
  • Fix:  Fixed large memory consumption during polygon operations. (case 439)


April 04, 2003

  • Fix:  DXF Import: Improved polyline to outline conversion for segments shorter than line width (case 434)


March 05, 2003

  • Fix:  DXF Import: fixed ignored Vertices of subclass "AcDb3dPolylineVertex" (case 407)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: fixed mirrored DONUTs being exploded to polywires (case 408)
  • Fix:  DXF Import: fixed Paper Space entities being wrongly added to Model Space (case 409)


February 14, 2003

  • New:  Tools: Improved XOR tool (case 372)


February 13, 2003

  • New:  Postscript Import: added partial clipping support. (case 372)


February 06, 2003

  • New:  PostScript Import: improved conversion of curves (case 372)


January 21, 2003

  • Fix:  DXF Export: fixed inverted option to export round-ended wires as flat/flat-extended. (case 367)


January 17, 2003

  • Fix:  Export: fixed Text labels in wrong y-location (case 362)


December 20, 2002

  • New:  New: added ANSYS ANF export option


December 10, 2002

  • New:  New: added PostScript import using pstoedit (case 318)


November 27, 2002

  • New:  IE3D: the units of z-value column in the layer list now follows the selected IE3D export units. (case 112)
  • New:  IE3D export: added automatic sequential numbering of z-values (case 284)


November 25, 2002

  • Fix:  DXF import: fixed missing endpoint in SPLINE to polyline conversion (case 301)
  • Fix:  RS-274X import: fixed invalid "Unclosed cell definition" when Step & Repeat encountered (case 253)
  • Fix:  RS-274X import: fixed ignored circular interpolation for full circles (case 300)


November 21, 2002

  • New:  Re-added support for IE3D Version 9.0 (case 252)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash when invalid TEXT alignment flag encountered (case 291)


November 18, 2002

  • Fix:  Fixed transformations of flattened boxes in CIF export (case 283)
  • Fix:  Added warning if export format does not support absolute scaling / rotation (case 38)


November 17, 2002

  • Fix:  Fixed RS-274X Step & Repeat (case 253)
  • Removed:  Temporarely removed IE3D 9.0 export (needs futher work) (case 252)


November 15, 2002

  • New:  Added dummy aperture for RS-274X polygon area fill command (G36) to work around bug in CG-Preview (case 273)
  • New:  Added RS-274X Step & Repeat support to Gerber input (case 253)
  • New:  Added RS-274X Step & Repeat support to Gerber output (case 274)
  • New:  Added support for IE3D Version 9.0 (case 252)
  • Fix:  Fixed CPU detection crash (case 219)
  • Fix:  Skipping aperture D51 when exporting to RS-274X (case 137)
  • Fix:  Fixed AutoCAD crash when opening layer editor on DXF 14/2000 file (case 239)
  • Fix:  Fixed disabled Copy & Paste in LinkCAD generated DXF 2000 files (case 223)
  • Fix:  Fixed crash in TLC import when referenced cell not found
  • Fix:  Fixed invalid header record in generated TLC output
  • Fix:  Fixed IE3D export of files containing array references (case 74)


October 24, 2002

  • New:  Added option to set LASI user units in export (defaults to 100 uu/micron)
  • Fix:  Scaling error in TLC import
  • Fix:  Variable polyline width support in DXF import
  • Removed:  Detection of RegMon & FileMon


October 16, 2002

  • Fix:  Rendering of filled concave polygons with high detail level (case 238)


October 16, 2002

  • New:  Added support for Mentor Graphics ICLINK layer comments (case 242)
  • New:  Major Viewer speed improvements in hardware accelerated mode
  • New:  Print white layers white in PostScript black & white export mode (case 240)
  • Fix:  Network license files with uppercase names not recognized (case 241)
  • Fix:  Removed redundant extensions on LASI files


August 25, 2002

  • Fix:  Missing column header icons in layer map


August 20, 2002

  • New:  Subnet based network licenses


August 15, 2002

  • New:  New: layer ordering (case 17, 51)
  • New:  Improved: display of filled round-ended wires in Viewer
  • Fix:  Round-ended wires are incorrectly displayed in Viewer outline mode (case 227)
  • Fix:  Viewer displays array elements of large arrays displaced (case 228)
  • Fix:  Polylines with only two vertices not displayed in Viewer (case 231)
  • Fix:  Repaired polylines may not display correctly in filled display mode (case 232)
  • Fix:  Crash when splash screen disabled & license expired (case 233)
  • Fix:  Crash when reading DXF file containing strings with back-slashes (case 234)
  • Fix:  DXF constant width polyline considered non-constant if start-width of final vertex non-constant (case 235)
  • Fix:  PostScript export correctly specifies page numbers


July 01, 2001

  •  Not released


June 20, 2002

  • New:  Protel aperture file support


June 14, 2002

  • New:  Easier column/row spacing specification extension to GDS-TXT AREF.
  • Fix:  Display of small objects


June 13, 2002

  • Fix:  Backspace editing on layer names (case 226)


June 04, 2002

  • Fix:  Improved drawing of large arrays (case 225)


May 22, 2002

  • Fix:  Command file support (case 224)


May 08, 2002

  • New:  Defaulting to detailed file view in file dialog boxes
  • New:  Automatically adding loaded file's layer to empty layer map
  • New:  Detection of accuracy loss in imported DXF files
  • New:  Remembers last used layer map directory
  • Fix:  Display of concave polygons
  • Fix:  Crash when importing empty file


May 03, 2002

  • New:  Made color selectors single-clickable
  • New:  Improvements to layer map editor
  • Fix:  Crash when reading GDSII files with font type 3 records (case 222)


May 02, 2002

  • New:  Layer map file support (case 113, 52)


April 25, 2002

  • New:  LinkCAD View speed improvements
  • New:  CIF "94" text extension
  • Fix:  Missing CIF cell name export
  • Fix:  Crash when importing CIF text with more than 24 characters (case 221)


April 15, 2002

  • Fix:  CPU detection crash (case 219)


April 12, 2002

  • Fix:  Error message when importing Gerber files with polygon fills & arcs (case 218)


April 12, 2002

  • Fix:  Modification to installation


April 11, 2002

  • New:  Speed of "Tools"
  • Fix:  Spurious crashes after entering registration code (case 207)
  • Fix:  Only converting convex quasi-circles (case 104, 28)
  • Fix:  Crash when converting convex quasi-circles (case 104, 28)
  • Fix:  Workaround for compiler bug resulting in invalid exploded wires (case 215)
  • Fix:  Invalid TEXT record in GDS-TXT output (case 216)


April 10, 2002

  • New:  Quasi-circle to real circle conversion tool (case 104, 28)


April 03, 2002

  • Fix:  IE3D & TLC export of exploded arcs & donuts (case 214)


April 03, 2002

  • Fix:  GDS-TXT AREF export (case 213)
  • Fix:  GDS-TXT import of BGNSTR/BGNLIB when date/time is missing (case 183)


April 02, 2002

  • Fix:  Read error for IE3D files with plain wave excitations (case 210)
  • Fix:  Licensing bug in GDS-TXT import (case 211)


March 21, 2002

  • New:  Automatically creates valid cell & layer names for all formats (case 103, 203)
  • Fix:  DXF handle warning in TurboCAD (case 205)


March 21, 2002

  • New:  Added option to convert wires/paths to polygon outlines (case 197)
  • Fix:  Implemented workaround for crash after 30sec on Win95 (case 201)
  • Fix:  Color values in PostScript export (case 200)
  • Removed:  "zero-pad" option (always enabled) from GDSII export dialog


March 02, 2002

  • Fix:  Exporting of wires/paths to IE3D (case 193)
  • Fix:  Splitting of concave polygons (case 128)
  • Fix:  DXF import: fixed angle of wire ends (radial to arc center) (case 195)


February 12, 2002

  • Fix:  Licensing issue on Windows 95


February 12, 2002

  • New:  AutoCAD 2000 DXF output support (case 190)
  • New:  Real-time panning when middle mouse button pressed (case 191)
  • New:  Made "zoom selection" command persistent (case 144)
  • New:  "bulb" button to layer list to turn all layers off/on (case 144)
  • New:  Mouse wheel zooming (case 174)
  • New:  Context menu to viewer (case 144)


January 25, 2002

  • New:  Better "94" text support to CIF import (case 189)


January 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Invalid BLOCK_RECORD entries when exporting flattened DXF R14 file (case 187)


December 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Crash when importing empty DXF file (case 184)
  • Fix:  Made batch directory selection case insensitive (case 185)
  • Fix:  Array export to DXF Release 14 (case 186)


November 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Batch export for Gerber and TLC (case 180)
  • Fix:  OpenGL display on NT 4 with software rendering (case 181)
  • Fix:  DXF mirroring of TRACE & LINE due to negative extrusion direction (case 182)
  • Fix:  CIF scaling/overflow log messages
  • Fix:  Added circle support to L-Edit CIF export


October 01, 2002

  • Fix:  AutoCAD invalid handle error when writing polygons as SOLIDS (case 175)
  • Fix:  Removed invalid DXF underflow warnings (case 176)
  • Fix:  Error in 4.5.0 arc to polygon conversion (case 178)


September 01, 2002

  • New:  Speed of SPLINE parsing
  • Fix:  Crash when license expired (case 177)


September 01, 2002

  • New:  Command to display array outlines only (case 140)
  • New:  DXF SPLINE support (case 165)
  • New:  Aperture size limit options for Gerber export (case 171)
  • New:  Tolerance specification for arc to polygon conversion (case 148)
  • New:  Help button to dialogs
  • New:  Option to export monochrome PostScript files (case 163)
  • New:  Memory efficiency when reading large polygons.
  • New:  Detecting arcs with non-constant radius
  • New:  Control to limit display nesting level
  • New:  Cancel button to viewer
  • Fix:  RS-274X more tolerant with aperture definitions (case 166)
  • Fix:  International language support (case 153)
  • Fix:  Implemented workaround for drawing bug with accelerated ATI cards (case 168)


September 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Keyboard problem on Window with Asian IMEs (case 153)
  • Fix:  Menu selection problem under Windows 9x/Me (case 158, 157)
  • Fix:  DXF output for Word compatibility (case 151)


September 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Added support for non-standard AREF transformations (case 145)
  • Fix:  Syntax error in GDS-TXT export (case 146)
  • Fix:  Error in Gerber export when exporting closely spaced
  • Fix:  Formatting of aperture dimensions in RS-274X export (case 142)


September 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Minor improvements for Gerber import


September 01, 2002

  • New:  Gerber import preview
  • New:  Support for backward/upside-down TEXT in DXF (case 134)
  • Fix:  Stroke width of TEXT in GDSII output (case 139)


September 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Donut problem (case 136)


September 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Donut overlapping (case 136)


September 01, 2002

  • New:  Polygon triangulation for DXF export (case 132)
  • Fix:  List box selection bug (case 133)


September 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Lost license problem


September 01, 2002

  • New:  Automatic conversion of '(c)' sign to 'C' if missing in font (case 130)
  • Removed:  GDSII user units selection based on DXF grid snap (case 129)


August 01, 2002

  • Fix:  Licensing problem


July 01, 2002

  • New:  Acceleration support for ATI Radeon graphics cards
  • Fix:  Filtering invisible (space-only) strings when reading (case 122)
  • Fix:  ENDEL attribute for GDSII text export in split polygons (case 124)
  • Fix:  Toggle button behavior (case 125)
  • Fix:  Win98 out-of-memory error when exporting circles/donuts to


June 01, 2002

  • New:  Polygon to box conversion when writing CIF (case 121)


May 17, 2001

  • Fix:  Import of Unigraphics generated DXF files (case 120)


April 17, 2001

  • Fix:  Drawing bug on Matrox G200 accelerator (case 82)
  • Fix:  Menu bug (case 108)
  • Fix:  AutoCAD 12 bug (case 109)


April 04, 2001

  • Fix:  Page scroll bug (case 106)
  • Fix:  Filled polygon drawing on Matrix G-series cards (case 06)
  • Fix:  Network license problem (case 105)


March 01, 2001

  • New:  DXF BYLAYER/BYBLOCK support
  • New:  Accelerator keys (case 09)
  • Fix:  DXF INSERTS with negative-z extrusion direction (case 99)
  • Fix:  Redisplay of broken polylines (case 93)
  • Fix:  Top cell selection problem (case 96)
  • Fix:  Gerber layer export warning problem (case 96)
  • Fix:  ALT-F4 shortcut (case 102)
  • Fix:  Added error check for intersection calculation (case 76)
  • Fix:  Hardware acceleration detection (case 79)


March 01, 2001

  • New:  Text support (case 71)
  • New:  Scrollbar speed (case 08)
  • New:  DXF Release 14 export support
  • New:  Binary DXF export support
  • Fix:  Unable to disable top cell in viewer (case 95)


February 28, 2001

  • Fix:  Crash in polygon repair tool for very large designs (case 92)


February 25, 2001

  • Fix:  Logging


February 23, 2001

  • Fix:  DXF polygon filling using SOLIDs (case 91)


February 18, 2001

  • New:  Allow fractional default line widths in Gerber export
  • New:  Remove redundant coordiante data from Gerber file
  • New:  Possibility to select any cell as top cell
  • New:  The loaded file is displayed in LinkCAD's title bar (case 90)
  • New:  Support for DXF variable-width polylines (case 67)
  • Fix:  Trailing spaces in GDSII structure names are removed to avoid
  • Fix:  Zooming to fullscreen after changing top cell (case 54)
  • Fix:  Zero-width straight lines could not be measured using the


February 02, 2001

  • Fix:  Memory allocation bug (case 81)
  • Fix:  Crash in Gerber export (case 80)


January 30, 2001

  • New:  GDSII user units are now translated to DXF grid/snap and vice versa
  • New:  Option to explode arrays
  • New:  Conversion of arrays between GDSII and DXF
  • New:  Network licenses for new features
  • New:  Array support to TLC export
  • Fix:  Wrong/missing display of "lasso", "rubber band" and object handles (case 36)
  • Fix:  Added active viewport table to DXF output (fixes problem with Volo View) (case 59)
  • Fix:  LinkCAD no longer crashes in out-of-memory situations (case 15)
  • Fix:  Crash when batch converting files containing errors (case 26)
  • Fix:  Incorrect bounding box calculation for wires (case 37)
  • Fix:  DXF import of rotated arrays with
  • Fix:  Coordinates of transformed GDSII array references (AREF)
  • Fix:  License transfer bug (case 24)
  • Fix:  Windows 98 machine lock-ups (case 33)
  • Fix:  Binary DXF input
  • Fix:  CIF array output
  • Fix:  Rotations in TLC import
  • Fix:  Cell hierarchy calculation for TLC and LY import (case 48)


January 19, 2001

  • New:  GDS-TXT input / output
  • Fix:  Window placement bug (case 10)
  • Fix:  Menu bug where menus don't stay open after single click (case 25)
  • Fix:  A memory leak produced by OpenGL triangulation
  • Fix:  NVIDIA Vanta redraw problem (case 34)
  • Fix:  Menus now stay open after a single-click (case 25)
  • Fix:  Placement bug on small 480 x 640 screens (case 10)


December 22, 2002

  • New:  Greatly improved refresh speed (case 18)
  • New:  Register when exiting About... dialog and user entered a S/N
  • New:  Trial licenses for new features (case 14)
  • New:  Option to extend CIF layer name length (case 04)
  • Fix:  Redraw problem when scrolling (case 07)
  • Fix:  Partial redraw of drawing with hardware accelleration (case 16)


December 21, 2000

  • Fix:  License transfer bug (case 03)
  • Fix:  Exit on startup bug (case 27)


December 11, 2000

  • New:  Support for DXF "REGIONS"
  • New:  Simplified error messages in DXF import
  • Fix:  Repaired, non-convex polygons would not display correctly
  • Fix:  Mirroring problem for ARCs when extruded in z = -1 direction (!)
  • Fix:  Changed default "BYLAYER" option
  • Fix:  Error in menu command


September 29, 2000

  • Fix:  Fixed bulp selection bug


September 19, 2000

  • New:  Added LinkCAD View


July 31, 2000

  • Fix:  Fixed bug in CIF import (re-initialize)
  • Fix:  Improved progress display in batch dialog
  • Fix:  Fixed splash screen bug


July 26, 2000

  • Fix:  Fixed crash in batch processing.


July 21, 2000

  • Fix:  Fixed typo on registration


May 16, 2000

  • New:  LinkCAD is now also available for Sun Solaris (2-5, 2-6, 7 and 8) and for Linux
  • New:  Added batch processing
  • New:  Option to split large GDSII and CIF polygons / wires
  • New:  Added custom units for all import / export dialogs
  • New:  Much faster polygon repairing
  • New:  Added cancel button
  • New:  Improved layer name & number validation
  • Fix:  Fixed precision problems in GDSII input / output
  • Fix:  Fixed TLC import / export
  • Fix:  Various small changes and bug fixes-


March 13, 2000

  • Fix:  Improved stability when reading invalid GDSII files
  • Fix:  Modified setup to resolve compatablity issues with Windows 95


March 11, 2000

  • New:  Improved WebUpdate
  • New:  Improved setup
  • Fix:  Fixed integer overflow bug in DXF output


March 10, 2000

  • New:  Added cell name validation
  • New:  Improved WebUpdate


March 09, 2000

  •  LinkCAD 3-0-1 requires new registration keys
  • New:  Improved text handling
  • Fix:  Fixed Gerber polygon output
  • Fix:  Fixed an installation problem preventing online-help from being displayed

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