LinkCAD Default Settings

This page contains the complete list of all options supported by LinkCAD, as well as their defaults.

If LinkCAD is started with the option -LcLoadDefaults on the command line, it will load exactly these values, ignoring any changes to them made by the user.

The options are stored in the registry, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\BayTechnology\LinkCAD.

You can load them from a file, if you wish, like this:

LinkCAD.exe -LcLoadDefaults -LcCommandFile="C:\My Documents\command.ini"

That way, you first load the defaults, and then overwrite some of them using the value from the ini file.

Integer Values of Dimensional Units

The default values of the options controlling dimensional units in the list below are listed using the unit name. The following table provides the corresponding integer value, which must be passed on the command line:

DotsPerInch = -2
Facets      = -1

Nanometer   =  0
Micron      =  1
Mil         =  2
Point       =  3
Millimeter  =  4
Centimeter  =  5
Inch        =  6
Meter       =  7
Feet        =  8
Picometer   =  9

List of Options

AcisInPlane                     = 0                                        // integer                              
AnfOutAutoUnits                 = true                                     // boolean                               
AnfOutCmdAadd                   = false                                    // boolean                               
AnfOutCmdAglue                  = false                                    // boolean                               
AnfOutCmdFacet                  = "NORML"                                  // string                               
AnfOutCmdFilname                = ""                                       // string                               
AnfOutCmdNummrg                 = false                                    // boolean                               
AnfOutCmdNummrgToler            = 1.0e-4                                   // real                                 
AnfOutCmdStitle                 = ""                                       // string                               
AnfOutCmdTitle                  = ""                                       // string                               
AnfOutCreateVertexFile          = false                                    // boolean                              
AnfOutExplodeArcs               = false                                    // boolean                               
AnfOutMerge                     = true                                     // boolean                               
AnfOutModelType                 = 1                                        // integer                              
AnfOutUnits                     = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
AnfOutVertexFilePrecision       = 5                                        // integer                              
AnfV4OutUnits                   = lc::Unit::Millimeter                     // integer                              
AsciiInScalingUnits             = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
AsciiInScalingValue             = 1                                        // integer                              
AsciiInType                     = 0                                        // integer                              
AsciiInWidth                    = 100                                      // integer                              
CifInFontAnchorH                = 0                                        // integer                              
CifInFontAnchorV                = 2                                        // integer                              
CifInFontSizeUnits              = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
CifInFontSizeValue              = 1000.0                                   // real                                 
CifInIgnoreText                 = false                                    // boolean                               
CifInUnitsCents                 = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutCleMode                   = false                                    // boolean                               
CifOutExplodeText               = false                                    // boolean                               
CifOutFlatten                   = false                                    // boolean                               
CifOutFlavour                   = 5                                        // integer                              
CifOutHeader                    = "(CIF written by LinkCAD);"              // string                               
CifOutLayerNameLength           = 4                                        // integer                              
CifOutLinefeed                  = false                                    // boolean                               
CifOutNoGlobalCell              = false                                    // boolean                               
CifOutPolygonLimit              = 400                                      // integer                              
CifOutScaleDS                   = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutSpaceDS                   = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutSpaceL                    = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutSplitPolygons             = false                                    // boolean                               
CifOutUnitsCents                = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutUseBox                    = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutUseRound                  = true                                     // boolean                               
CifOutUseWire                   = true                                     // boolean                               
CmdToolCropBounds               = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfInEndcapType                 = 1                                        // integer                              
DxfInExplodeSplines             = false                                    // boolean                              
DxfInHatchProcessing            = 0                                        // integer                              
DxfInIgnoreText                 = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfInScaling                    = 1.0                                      // real                                 
DxfInTextLineWidth              = 0.0                                      // real                                 
DxfInUnitsUnit                  = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
DxfInUnitsValue                 = 1                                        // integer                              
DxfOutBinary                    = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutEndcapType                = 0                                        // integer                              
DxfOutExplodeArrays             = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutExplodeText               = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutExportAsRegions           = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutFillPolygons              = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutFlatten                   = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutFormatVersion             = 12                                       // integer                              
DxfOutHatchPolygons             = false                                    // boolean                               
DxfOutScaling                   = 1.0                                      // real                                 
DxfOutUnitsUnit                 = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
DxfOutUnitsValue                = 1                                        // integer                              
GbrInApertureFile               = false                                    // boolean                               
GbrInApertureFilePath           = ""                                       // string                               
GbrInCoordinateMode             = 0                                        // integer                              
GbrInCustomApertureFile         = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrInDrawMode                   = 0                                        // integer                              
GbrInFormatXDec                 = 3                                        // integer                              
GbrInFormatXInt                 = 4                                        // integer                              
GbrInFormatYDec                 = 3                                        // integer                              
GbrInFormatYInt                 = 4                                        // integer                              
GbrInMergeLayers                = false                                    // boolean                               
GbrInModalD03                   = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrInModalG02                   = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrInQuadrantMode               = 0                                        // integer                              
GbrInSupportD99                 = false                                    // boolean                              
GbrInUnits                      = (int)Unit::Nanometer                     // integer                              
GbrInZeroSuppression            = 0                                        // integer                              
GbrOutAbsCoordinate             = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrOutCircularInterpolation     = false                                    // boolean                               
GbrOutDecimals                  = 6                                        // integer                              
GbrOutEobCharacter              = "*"                                      // string                               
GbrOutFillPolygons              = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrOutFlashCircles              = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrOutFlashRectangles           = false                                    // boolean                               
GbrOutForceDraw                 = false                                    // boolean                               
GbrOutIntegers                  = 3                                        // integer                              
GbrOutLinebreaks                = 0                                        // integer                              
GbrOutParameterDelimiter        = "%"                                      // string                               
GbrOutRectAptLimitUnits         = (int)Unit::Inch                          // integer                              
GbrOutRectAptLimitValue         = 0.5                                      // real                                 
GbrOutRoundAptLimitUnits        = (int)Unit::Inch                          // integer                              
GbrOutRoundAptLimitValue        = 0.5                                      // real                                 
GbrOutStepAndRepeat             = false                                    // boolean                               
GbrOutSuppressLeadingZero       = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrOutUnitsImperial             = true                                     // boolean                               
GbrOutWidthUnits                = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
GbrOutWidthValue                = 0.001                                    // real                                 
GbrOutWriteG54                  = true                                     // boolean                               
GdsInFontSizeUnits              = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
GdsInFontSizeValue              = 1.0                                      // real                                 
GdsInIgnoreDataTypes            = true                                     // boolean                               
GdsInIgnoreText                 = false                                    // boolean                               
GdsInScaling                    = 1.0                                      // real                                 
GdsOutDatatypeFromLayer         = false                                    // boolean                              
GdsOutDbScalingUnits            = Unit::Nanometer                          // Units                                
GdsOutDbScalingValue            = 1.0                                      // real                                 
GdsOutExplodeText               = false                                    // boolean                              
GdsOutFlatten                   = false                                    // boolean                              
GdsOutFontSizeUnits             = Unit::Micron                             // Units                                
GdsOutFontSizeValue             = 1.0                                      // real                                 
GdsOutPad                       = true                                     // boolean                              
GdsOutScaling                   = 1.0                                      // real                                 
GdsOutSplitPolygons             = true                                     // boolean                              
GdsOutUnwindPolygons            = true                                     // boolean                              
GdsOutUserScalingUnits          = Unit::Nanometer                          // Units                                
GdsOutUserScalingValue          = 1.0                                      // real                                 
Ie3dOutFormatVersion            = 315                                      // integer                              
Ie3dOutUnits                    = 2                                        // integer                              
LcApplyLayerMap                 = false                                    // boolean                               
LcApplyLayerMapBatch            = false                                    // boolean                               
LcAutoNumberMaterialValues      = false                                    // boolean                               
LcAutoNumberZValues             = false                                    // boolean                               
LcAutoWebUpdate                 = true                                     // boolean                               
LcBatchCombineFiles             = true                                     // boolean                               
LcBatchToolsDeembed             = false                                    // boolean                               
LcBatchToolsMerge               = false                                    // boolean                               
LcBatchToolsOutline             = false                                    // boolean                               
LcBatchToolsQuasiCircles        = false                                    // boolean                               
LcConvertBatch                  = false                                    // boolean                               
LcDbUnitsValue                  = 1.0                                      // real                                 
LcDefaultDir                    = ""                                       // string                               
LcDefaultFont                   = "TXT"                                    // string                               
LcDefaultMapDir                 = ""                                       // string                               
LcDeleteEmtpyCells              = true                                     // boolean                               
LcDeleteUnresolvedRefs          = true                                     // boolean                               
LcDisplayUnits                  = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
LcDumpMemoryUsage               = false                                    // boolean                               
LcEnableUndo                    = true                                     // boolean                               
LcExitWhenFinished              = false                                    // boolean                               
LcExperimental                  = false                                    // boolean                               
LcExportDir                     = ""                                       // string                               
LcExportFile                    = ""                                       // string                               
LcExportFormat                  = "DXF"                                    // string                               
LcFontMap                       = "lcad.fmp"                               // string                               
LcFontPath                      = ""                                       // string                               
LcHideUnusedLayers              = true                                     // boolean                               
LcHighContrast                  = false                                    // boolean                               
LcImportFile                    = ""                                       // string                               
LcImportFormat                  = "DXF"                                    // string                               
LcInResolveLayers               = true                                     // boolean                               
LcLayerMap                      = ""                                       // string                               
LcMaintenanceExp                = 0                                        // integer                              
LcMaxCellDisplay                = 10000                                    // integer                              
LcNetworkPath                   = ""                                       // string                               
LcNoRestart                     = false                                    // boolean                               
LcNoTrace                       = false                                    // boolean                               
LcPrevVersion                   = 0                                        // integer                              
LcRegistrationCode              = "0"                                      // string                               
LcRegistrationCompany           = ""                                       // string                               
LcRegistrationName              = ""                                       // string                               
LcSaveSettings                  = false                                    // boolean                               
LcSelectTopCell                 = false                                    // boolean                               
LcSerialNumber                  = ""                                       // string                               
LcShowSplash                    = true                                     // boolean                               
LcShowTooltips                  = true                                     // boolean                               
LcSkipExportOptions             = false                                    // boolean                               
LcSkipImportOptions             = false                                    // boolean                               
LcSkipSteps                     = ""                                       // string                               
LcSubstrateExtent               = 125                                      // real                                 
LcSuccess                       = true                                     // boolean                               
LcTextLineEndsSquare            = false                                    // boolean                               
LcTopCellPattern                = ""                                       // string                               
LcTransferData                  = ""                                       // string                               
LcTransferSerial                = ""                                       // string                               
LcTransferUnlockKey             = ""                                       // string                               
LcUserUnitsNm                   = 1000.0                                   // real                                 
LcWindowMaximized               = false                                    // boolean                               
LcWindowPosX                    = -1                                       // integer                              
LcWindowPosY                    = -1                                       // integer                              
LcWindowSizeX                   = -1                                       // integer                              
LcWindowSizeY                   = -1                                       // integer                              
LvAccellerate                   = true                                     // boolean                               
LvBackgroundColor               = 1                                        // integer                              
LvBlendFunction                 = 1                                        // integer                              
LvDisabled                      = false                                    // boolean                               
LvDisableVertexArrays           = false                                    // boolean                               
LvDrawFilled                    = true                                     // boolean                               
LvGlAutodeskValidBackBufferHint = true                                     // boolean                               
LvGlKtxBufferRegion             = true                                     // boolean                               
LvGlWinSwapHint                 = true                                     // boolean                               
LvHiliteBrokenPlines            = false                                    // boolean                               
LvIntermediateDisplay           = false                                    // boolean                               
LvIsAccellerated                = false                                    // boolean                               
LvPixelPrecision                = 2                                        // integer                              
LvWglArbBufferRegion            = true                                     // boolean                               
ModlaOutVertexLimit             = 16                                       // integer                              
PsInDrawText                    = 1                                        // integer                              
PsInIgnoreClipPath              = true                                     // boolean                               
PsInPage                        = 1                                        // integer                              
PsInPstoeditOptions             = ""                                       // string                               
PsInSubtractWhite               = false                                    // boolean                               
PsOutBlack                      = true                                     // boolean                               
PsOutCustomDbScale              = 0.01                                     // real                                 
PsOutCustomPaperLengthValue     = 20.0                                     // real                                 
PsOutCustomPaperWidthValue      = 20.0                                     // real                                 
PsOutDbScale                    = 0.01                                     // real                                 
PsOutFormatType                 = 0                                        // integer                              
PsOutLandscape                  = false                                    // boolean                               
PsOutLayerCount                 = 1                                        // integer                              
PsOutLayout                     = 1                                        // integer                              
PsOutPaperLengthPt              = 100                                      // integer                              
PsOutPaperMarginValue           = 2.5                                      // real                                 
PsOutPaperUnits                 = (int)Unit::Centimeter                    // integer                              
PsOutPaperWidthPt               = 100                                      // integer                              
PsOutScaleMode                  = 0                                        // integer                              
PsOutStandardFormat             = 1                                        // integer                              
RasterInGrayLevels              = 8                                        // integer                              
RasterInKeepWhite               = ""                                       // string                               
RasterInMergeType               = 1                                        // integer                              
RasterInProcessing              = 1                                        // integer                              
RasterInScalingUnits            = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
RasterInScalingValue            = 1.0                                      // real                                 
RasterInScalingValueY           = 1.0                                      // real                                 
RasterOutScalingUnits           = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
RasterOutScalingValue           = 100.0                                    // real                                 
SonOutSubstrateThickness        = 25.0                                     // real                                 
SonOutUnits                     = 0                                        // integer                              
SonXCells                       = 64                                       // integer                              
SonYCells                       = 64                                       // integer                              
TetinOutAutoUnits               = true                                     // boolean                               
TetinOutExplodeArcs             = false                                    // boolean                               
TetinOutTriangToler             = 0.01                                     // real                                 
TetinOutUnits                   = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
TextLineWidthRel                = 0.05                                     // real                                 
TlcOutFlatten                   = false                                    // boolean                               
TlcOutUserUnits                 = 20                                       // integer                              
ToolAddWidthToPolygons          = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolApply                       = ""                                       // string                               
ToolArcPrecUnits                = (int)Unit::Facets                        // integer                              
ToolArcPrecUnits                = Unit::Facets                             // Units                                
ToolArcPrecUnits                = Unit::Facets                             // Units                                
ToolArcPrecValue                = 32                                       // integer                              
ToolArcPrecValue                = 32                                       // integer                              
ToolArcPrecValue                = 32                                       // integer                              
ToolAutoFlatten                 = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolCloseOpenPolygons           = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolConvertArcs                 = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolConvertCircles              = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolConvertDonuts               = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolConvertDonutsStyle          = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolConvertSplines              = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolConvertText                 = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolConvertWires                = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolCropX0                      = 0.0                                      // real                                 
ToolCropX1                      = 0.0                                      // real                                 
ToolCropY0                      = 0.0                                      // real                                 
ToolCropY1                      = 0.0                                      // real                                 
ToolDontExplode                 = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolEraseZeroWidthPolylines     = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolEvenOddFill                 = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolForceManhattan              = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolHolesModeLink               = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolJoinOpenPolygons            = true                                     // boolean                               
ToolKeepInternalEdges           = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolMergeZeroWidthPolylines     = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolPolyToleranceUnits          = (int)Unit::Nanometer                     // integer                              
ToolPolyToleranceValue          = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolPolyWidthUnits              = (int)Unit::Micron                        // integer                              
ToolPolyWidthValue              = 1                                        // integer                              
ToolQuasiCircleMinFacets        = 32                                       // integer                              
ToolRecenterX                   = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolRecenterY                   = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolSelectionOutlineOnly        = false                                    // boolean                               
ToolSelectionPercentage         = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolShapeFilter                 = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolSnapToGridSpacing           = 10                                       // integer                              
ToolWireEndToleranceUnits       = (int)Unit::Nanometer                     // integer                              
ToolWireEndToleranceValue       = 0                                        // integer                              
ToolWireWidthToleranceUnits     = (int)Unit::Nanometer                     // integer                              
ToolWireWidthToleranceValue     = 0                                        // integer                              
XtOutExplodeArcs                = false                                    // boolean                               
XtOutUnits                      = (int)Unit::Millimeter                    // integer